
 Google search is without a doubt the best search engine ever created.  I can remember the days when the best search tool was either AOL or Yahoo.  In those days, you would have to sift through dozens of search results to find the thing you were looking for.  It was tedious and you often couldn't find the thing you were looking for, even after several minutes of looking for it.  Obscure things were even harder to find.  In about 1998, things started to change when Google introduced their new site with very different algorithms.  In a nutshell, these algorithms sought to give top results for a given topic by looking at how many other sites linked to the site you were searching for.  It's much more complex than that now, but that was the basic idea behind their initial program. Google is not only very accurate when returning search results, it's also extremely fast.  One of the sayings that people in Google use is, "Fast is better than slow."  This has been one of t